Friday, February 7, 2014

I will stop here with the houses otherwise you will not end ...... kbank more After seeing them car

You can not really understand what happens in the world if you do not study "The Family" for excellence: The Rothschilds. Who really controls the world? Most of the privatization of the World have made the members of this family, kbank the main beneficiaries. Although kbank Jews declared kbank (but only for ulterior motives) are Guardiatesori the Vatican since 1823. They are the most powerful bankers in the world and control the Bank of Italy, to name but a few, have the Barclays (one of the largest shareholders of Intesa Sanpaolo), especially by Markus Agius, the JPMorgan (which controls the Monte dei Paschi di Siena) by the Rockefeller family, Mediobanca (the one that controls Unicredit) by Vincent Bolloré and Jean Azema of Groupama Holding SA, Banca Carige (by Francois Perol), with Ana Patricia Botin Banco Santander Central Hispano (which controls ABN AMRO, another pillar Unicredit). I could go on like this for hours but I think these few reports are more than sufficient. We will report only some brief news about possessions and scattered episodes of the most powerful family in the world, to put current with whom we deal. Those who are employed by the family have always enjoyed high positions of prominence. Tony Blair (former British Prime Minister) is working for them now with a lot of pay, the same fate for the former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, who became their adviser. They had a close relationship with Boris Yeltsin, one of the former "Czar" So 'is that with them he signed the measure for the creation of the powerful Russian-Western Bank and publicly expressed his satisfaction over again. Among the heads of their Facebook there is a man that bears their name: Jeff Rothschild. The Global Warming is used as a key theme for the salvation of humanity, pity that what is proposed as a solution to a global tax that would make the members of this family as the main beneficiaries. The world's most expensive wine, Chateau Lafite kbank Rothschild is named, as well as other fine wines: Brut Champagne, Mouton Bordeuax, and many others. The "Family" is the name by which they call themselves the components thereof. These are just some of the many houses whose family owns:
I will stop here with the houses otherwise you will not end ...... kbank more After seeing them carefully and, I hope, also done research on these homes, try to think about where you will spend the weekend where you and instead will probably pass them!! With money derived from seigniorage, then subtracted the community .... Just make inquiries or raise reservations about the Rothschilds and other Jewish organizations or to be branded as a Nazi. Yet it has been shown in many books and endless scholars, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were created and funded by the Rothschilds. It was they who organized the rise of Hitler to power through the Illuminati secret societies in chief in Germany, as the Thule Society, the Vril Society and others, were the Rothschilds to finance Hitler through the Bank of England and other sources are Kuhn Loeb Bank, which also financed the Russian kbank Revolution. The heart of Hitler's war machine was the IG Farben chemical engineering. Also controlled by the Rothschilds through finance companies, through the valets of Warburg. Standard Oil of Warburg ran Auschwitz, but was officially Rockefeller (the Rockefeller empire was created kbank by the Rothschilds in 1870 in fact, the Rothschild Bank in Cleveland, Ohio, JD Rockefeller gave money to found Standard Oil). They also possessed the means of communication, and thus controlled the flow of information given to the public. See if their property had not been touched by a bomb in the entire war! Other factories nearby had been demolished by air raids. kbank So the force behind Hitler there was the skilful hand of the Rothschilds, the very people who support the Jewish race in the world. The Jews are for them, like the rest of the population, just cattle to be used and move it to your advantage. Not only was Hitler supported by the Rothschilds, but several tests say that he was a Rothschild. Including the book of the psychoanalyst Walter Langer, The Mind of Hitler. He was also supported by Windsor (actually home ta the German Saxe-Coburg-Gotha), and these appeared between Lord Mountbatten, a Rothschild, one of the many Satanists. Phillip Eugene de Rothschild, claims to be a descendant of the Rothschilds as was Hitler or thousands of other people who have grown and reared by them, before kbank being assigned to the families of the facade, in order to fill positions of privilege under a false name and unlawfully. But what Rothschild was the grandfather of Hitler? The old es

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