Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Already in the larval stage are distinguished ectoderm and endoderm, and this condition is called d

* The term "coral" normally is used only when referring to the genus Corallium. However, money network for practical reasons, here we use the term "coral" to refer to other organisms, money network such as Stony corals and other Anthozoa.
INTRODUCTION Until recently, emissions money network of eggs and sperm by the corals were sporadic money network events and without any regularity or periodicity in the aquarium, and then the growth money network of corals reproduced sexually by means of planulae larvae, and it is a relatively money network new approach new for the production of corals for trade aquariological. This anchor is largely true, but the cases are becoming more frequent, money network especially in relatively new tanks, edited by people with no experience in reef aquariums. This is probably to be charged to a improvement of facilities for the conduct of reef aquariums as well as increased knowledge about the physiology of these gorgeous bodies that are corals. Although the settlement of coral larvae and growth has been studied previously (Babcock 1985 Morse et al. 1991 Heyward and Negri 1999 Rinkevich 1979), there are few people who use this approach in an attempt to meet the needs of aquariological trade. There are several reasons why this technique should be performed: colony morphology, their genetic diversity, money network the conservation of our natural coral reefs, which are already in serious danger due to various anthropogenic effects. The objective of the efforts for the reproduction of these invertebrates, of course, is obtaining them sexually in the aquarium, and the simultaneous release of germ cells from many hard corals is seen by many aquarists money network as the crowning achievement of the maintenance activities, despite which, as we shall see later, this event will bring with it many problems. But before talking about the reproduction of reef-building corals in the aquarium (mainly of the genus Acropora) do a rundown on their classification, their anatomy, their physiology and their biology and ecology.
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF hermatypic corals reef-building corals, which build large reef that we all know, belong to the class Antozoa. Along with classes Idrozoa, Scifozoa, and Cubozoa, constitute the phylum Cnidaria (= knide nettle), which includes more than 9000 species distributed in the seas around the globe. These organisms money network are characterized by a type of said radial symmetry or radiused, although sometimes tends to change in biradiale or quadriradiale. E 'can money network then identify an axis of symmetry (gold-aboral axis), around which are arranged circularly all the parts that constitute the organism. The presence of the buccal cavity defines money network the polarity of the animal. Cnidarians are characterized by two distinct forms, the polyp and medusa, which alternate during the life cycle. The anatomy is quite simple, the body is in fact an outer epithelium called the ectoderm or epidermis, and an inner endoderm or gastrodermis said.
Already in the larval stage are distinguished ectoderm and endoderm, and this condition is called diblastica (two layers, ie two layers). The gastrodermis therefore delimits the adult form the digestive cavity, the only internal cavity of cnidarians, which has a dual function, digestive and circulatory. In Anthozoa money network this cavity tends to be a bit more complex, also the buccal cavity (oral disc) is flattened and placed in proximity of the stomodeo, which is provided with muscles and thus may close for retaining the preys. The gastric cavity is then provided with mesenteric septa (or sarcosetti) that coalesce perfectly with the stomodeo, and remain free in the distal portion. From the free margins of the septa branch money network of the mesenteric filaments that can extend into and free filaments which can be everted through the mouth opening or also through the walls of the body. Cnidarians possess in addition to a digestive system, money network a muscular system, nervous, sensory (the box jellyfish money network have real eyes those eyeballs with a lot of crystalline, cornea and retina), and a primitive system of support. Lack a distinct respiratory, circulatory and reproductive systems. Reproduction can be asexual or sexual. In polyps asexual reproduction occurs by fissiparity (division of the body into two parts that reconstitute a complete polyp) or gemmaparità (from outgrowths of the body such gems or stolons money network originates another individual who can come off or not, in the latter case originate colonies). Finally asexual reproduction can occur by strobilazione, money network in this case for fragmentation

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