Sunday, March 22, 2015

Increasingly more clients who were issued

BRD accusations regarding the management of funds "First House" | Financial - latest news in Business & Economics, Real Estate and IT
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A reader sent a letter to the editorial office accused of mismanagement of funds BRD euro available through the First Home. We give below the full contents of the letter, keeping including links showing credit lyonnais that if our readers are more bank customers from all over the country. credit lyonnais
In June we requested a loan First Home in euros from BRD Iasi branch credit lyonnais to purchase a house under construction. Since the guarantee fund in euros available bank was over, counsel advised us to submit documents for obtaining a Guarantee promises in exchange for a commission paid by FNGCIMM.
We brought the necessary documents and in July we received from BRD Credit unilateral promise to purchase a home through the First House, according to GD 717/2009. Through this document, the Bank pledged to give me credit in euro necessary condition to obtain a promise from FNGCIMM Guarantee. Later I obtained and the Promise credit lyonnais Guarantee FNGCIMM by expressing willingness to guarantee amounting to half the amount required under the law.
At present, the construction was completed, but BRD refuse to give me the credit requested. credit lyonnais I asked the bank official response on this issue, credit lyonnais but I did not get anything written. I was misled, telling me is that there are problems with the file, and then told me that there is no problem, but I can not give credit in euro. I have proposed signing an addendum to the credit passage lei, but is more expensive by 30%.
Given that these documents have been issued to me, the amount requested credit lyonnais was available at the time of issue and should have reserved. However, no account was taken of Guarantee promises and available in euro ceiling was exhausted afterwards (are people who have received loans including credit lyonnais 08/16/2013).
There is an internal protocol between BRD and FNGCIMM "FP5 60 BRD" governing the administration of funds under the First House. None of the two institutions does not admit that he is guilty of faulty administration of funds and cover each other. credit lyonnais
In 07.08.2013 the coverage was increased in lei. Although the law has changed in 07.08.2013 by GD. 565/2013, Article II states: "Requests for financing and guarantee submitted before the entry into force of this Decision credit lyonnais shall be resolved according to the law in force at the time of their submission."
Increasingly more clients who were issued "Guarantee promises" Home under construction on as the works, know that I can not receive credit as collateral received. Softpedia forum gathered some of the people in this situation. Some of them are still in error induced telling them that they will receive the credit in euro:
Some time ago, BRD said they had not taken more files than available funds "credits required by customers in the ceiling were available at that time and that was expressed in euro. In conclusion, FNGCIMM guarantees will be given in euro and, automatically, and credits will be awarded in Euros. The new ceiling will be approved is expressed in lei, so future guarantees will be granted in lei, and, automatically, and credits will be granted only in lei "said Traian credit lyonnais Traicu, chief of public relations of BRD, for
I received a promise credit lyonnais of funding in June and only now, when I asked if we somehow affect credit lyonnais the new changes in the law, I got an answer that I did not expect to receive namely as a credit in lei.
I called the Fund and told me that the law does not affect the promises credit lyonnais given before 08/07/2013 and yet credit officer tells me that the law refers to previously filed claims for credit, and not guarantees. credit lyonnais More specifically BRD lady explained to me that a thousand lei to receive credit for that I have not made a credit application (reference is made when the building is ready explanation that I received after I given article of law that, in my view, is quite explain

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