Sunday, January 25, 2015

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Decisive victory extreme left party in Greece: prosperity bank "We will brutal prosperity bank cycle of debt"
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Somewhere Ehud Barak's tenure as prime minister the idea was to establish the Israeli version of economists Council President. "We met with Barak in April 2000 for a few hours at night, and a month later a special Cabinet meeting prosperity bank was held throughout the whole day," says an interview Calcalist "economist Professor Dan Ben-David, one of the economists initiative is recently prosperity bank retired from the management of the Taub Center. circumstances of life, which included the withdrawal from Lebanon, have made an impact: the Barak government came to an end as the initiative.
History repeats prosperity bank itself, and opportunities in the Israeli market reforms kept retreating in the face of constraints on political and security prosperity bank situation. Not sure that Ben-David was a mark on that statement, perhaps because he insists prosperity bank on remaining optimistic. However, when talking to him hard to stay optimistic.
"When half of the children's education at school as the state of the Third World poor, the proportion of this population growing company, and the children prosperity bank who are part of her did not have the tools to work in a modern economy," prosperity bank he says. "We can not sustain over time the economy of a first world country". He said, "no economy of a first world country it is impossible to have an army of first world. This paradigm of national security: not only tanks and planes, but also people held by the advanced prosperity bank state".
Ben-David blames prosperity bank the system in my head, and the main problem, he says, is "a dysfunction of the government." "The Prime Minister appoints the major political enemies of the most important roles, although the aim is not to help him but to replace it. So there are talented people, but not the right positions."

Ben-David, who specializes in the growth of countries, examines prosperity bank the differences between the levels of development and wealth of the first world countries and the situation in the country was stagnant prosperity bank economic mediocrity. He said he plans to continue prosperity bank research in another frame. Sign in politics, as he tried to do in 2006, when among the list of Kadima, he is no longer considering. prosperity bank
"I came to the center because I lack an overview of the events in the country and comparison to other countries. We constantly deal with current events, but if the problematic trend continues for 40 years should pay attention to her." prosperity bank Fertility field, the output of each worker in the economy, which determines the growth and quality of life, while since the seventies, says Ben-David, "Israel away from the leading countries in the West". With regard prosperity bank to poverty and inequality in Israel is bottom of the list of developed countries.
"This year we have shown that the rate of poverty among non anxious very high. In other words, although these rates are very high among Haredim and Arabs, but even excluding these populations, the poverty rate in Israel is among the highest in the Western world (17% of the population, 25% Orthodox Jews and Arabs, second only to the US" in the 18% - a company commander). There is a structural problem, and we are doing ourselves an easy life when we blame the ultra ".
This is the gap in education, which is the platform for the labor market, says Ben-David. "Looking at the achievements since 1999, when the Arabs began to be included in the tests, it is evident that the gap between students in Israel are among the highest in the Western world, higher even American kind." However, he notes, not including the ultra-Orthodox. Even in what might be called the middle class education, students who do not best or worst, the gap is highest in the West. The conclusion that Ben-David points to is that in all of the sectors in the economy - industry, banking, trade, etc. - education and low productivity.
"These issues," said Ben-David, "There is no lobby group. Do not discuss issues that students need to learn in school, and no standards to what a student should know and methods of measurement. When parents complain prosperity bank about the state of education, they're going to school violence and class size."
He further explains that there are other fundamental problems, such as teacher training system and rewarding. "All wage agreement with teachers called reform, but he does not treat the root problems. prosperity bank If you are missing physics teachers or English, may have to pay these teachers more and not pay laterally to all teachers."
Another reason for inequality, he argues, is the lack of reliable transportation infrastructure, "If you know a family whose children get a good education in North or South, and the problem of getting to work the parents will be solved, much of the housing problem would be resolved". However, he said, in contrast to symptomatic treatment, such as 0% VAT.
Last month, a cousin was the first public criticism from the Treasury on a report published by the Taub Center. According to the report, the average Israeli family has trouble prosperity bank making ends meet and live minus, in addition to the families included in the two highest deciles. Economists have argued that the analysis relies on erroneous parameters, such as household expenses on a mortgage. Ben-David said in response that the Treasury does not understand the difference between consumption expenditure, and ultimately affecting the cash flow of the household is the money he spends a month, no matter for what purpose. Following the report, senior officials also realized prosperity bank that you can not ignore the data.
"As Abba Eban said, people and countries have chosen right after they have exhausted all other options. 90 minutes into the act. When we are back to the wall, we are doing the right thing." What Ben-David describes the main danger is imagining a frog in a pot of boiling water: if it be thrown into the pot of water, it will spring out, but if the water heat up with her, she will stay in place. "The danger prosperity bank is Scsnbin what we were, we could not help it. It's the end of the country prosperity bank unless something is done in the time remaining."

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