Thursday, January 1, 2015

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Entry strategy tcf for foreign investors in India through LIASION Office to establish a business in India project office and branch offices abroad once to buy a business in India 1. Contact the India office / representative offices: - features of the Liaison tcf Office as a representative office You can set up primarily to explore and understand the business and investment environment. Foreign companies that wish to establish a liaison office in India, RBI (Reserve Bank of India), it may take 2-4 weeks for processing of your application, you need to obtain the prior approval of the top banks in India. Approval may be granted renewal of its normal effective for three years. The company enroll your own company (ROC) and procedure-specific procedures provided for in the Companies Act, 1956 to comply. Liaison offices can perform the following tasks: parent company represented in India through a liaison office. Through the Liaison Office / Export to India / facilitate import. Promote technical and financial cooperation between the parent company and the company through a liaison office in India. Through the communication tcf channel between the parent company and the role of the liaison office current or potential customers in India. The following restrictions limit for the Liaison Office: Liaison Office will not be able to perform all business activities in India, you can generate any income in India without the approval of RBI. All expenses of the office must meet the transfer of the office from abroad through normal banking channels inside. However, the closing time of the Liaison Office, RBI has granted permission to repatriate the balance in the bank account of the parent company in India. It is not taxable in India. However Liaison Office will have to withhold taxes from amounts paid particular. It can not borrow or lend money to accept deposits. It is no transfer or prior approval of the RBI, Real Estate in India disposal (otherwise for a period not to exceed five years by way of a lease), tcf you can get a hold. However, you should regularly report to the office RBI. This return must include the audit of the annual accounts and annual activity certificate certified public accountant. Advantages Easy Operation via a contact office liaison office usually a simple process of closing small steps through the liaison office, a liaison office transactions between the parent entity and the provisions of the Transfer Pricing (TP) is not applicable. 2: - India has the contract to run the project from the project office set India a foreign company can set up a project office in India. Approval of the project office will be shut down after running, and the project has been completed in India, the authority is granted for a specific project. Office, of certain tcf conditions stipulated by the RBI can be repatriated outside India the surplus of the project on completion of the subject. The project office established company in India enroll your own company (ROC) and procedure-specific procedures provided for in the Companies Act, 1956 must comply with the following conditions: If you are satisfied with the general authority, set up a project office in India by foreign companies India ready to have conferred by the bank. It has secured a contract to run the project in India Ltd., India; And the project is funded by inward remittance from abroad, or the project is funded, the project or by bilateral or multilateral international financial institutions have been cleared by the relevant authorities; Or a company or corporation contracts awarded India has given a public financial institution tcf or bank short-term loans for projects in India. Simple and easy operation under procedures usually closed process, can be transferred tcf to the provisions of the transaction price (TP) between the project office and the parent entity 3. Set up an office in India: the right to set up branch offices is granted by the Reserve Bank of India . Subject to the approval of RBI offices tcf of foreign companies in India, you must register with the force, 1956 (India) tcf company tcf law. The Registration Act, 1956, according to the company, the branch can be done in a manner business activities, such as domestic companies. Approved and registered office so you can perform the following activities: to perform tcf rendering the Export / Import of goods expert or consulting services research work, which the parent company tcf is engaged in technical or between tcf Indian companies and parent or overseas group companies representative of the parent company financial cooperation in promoting Indian and other international air shipping / liaison office will render technical support product that provides an agent purchases / sales roles in software development and information technology services rendered parent / group companies of India in India, branch is able to generate revenue from sales in the local market and repatriation of profits to foreign parent companies to their country of origin. Funding is available through the receipt of business operations from the parent company in India. tcf Branch offices in India, tcf according to the net profit of the Indian tax RBI guidelines, you can set up a monthly remittance approval of external RBI. Limited branch can not perform the manufacturing operations. Manufacturing activities can be done by means of a company established in India. Branch of a foreign company tcf in India are taxed at the higher rate of tax than domestic firms. In general, the trade-off between the project office and the parent entity is subject to the provisions of the Transfer Pricing (TP). For the same PRO GLOBAL CORP please contact the tcf AT US for LAISION through an office or branch office tcf or project will help to set up a business in India further details or you can make a call to us at 919 971 504 105 you can
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