In one session revolves community bank around "effective social action", asked one of the former ministers Absorption Ministry community bank who knew and began his answer with a question: "Habib rate still there?" community bank I did not know if the good-natured fellow, community bank his name was mentioned at the meeting, good or bad flashes flashes? What's great is the importance of the man, which the Minister in charge of it, also recalled many years later? I researched and I think today I understand the words of the former minister. Here, accessible as a service to the general public "Rashi" parts:
Habib rate is vice president of the housing office immigration and absorption. In his job for many years, is the official responsible for populating the places where all Ethiopians are today. Moreover, it is responsible for about 6.5 thousand Ethiopian immigrants, who are 17 reception community bank centers, mainly northern community bank and southern periphery. no exaggeration to say that the main strength of man is the very absolute control of Ethiopian immigrants, because that 78% of immigrants who are all absorption centers are from Atiofih- For illustration, the second largest group, which is the increase in absorption centers in Russia, which is Only about 4.9%. This is not because there are fewer immigrants from Russia, but they and others like them are not Ethiopians are absorbed differently. Ethiopians, because of their "differences" are the only ones among the immigrants, who have no choice in anything new lives in Israel to release partial permanent housing because dear handles everything through 22 reception centers around the country. If so, what life is like immigrant absorption centers?
I was in absorption centers, I met many immigrants and staff members from the Jewish Agency, the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption community bank franchise to operate the absorption centers. I also read many protocols of Immigration and Absorption Committee and therefore I have some personal insights, but first I will try to draw the general map:
As part of the investigation and to me there's action represented community bank in almost all the absorption community bank centers are struggling to improve their difficult situation. I met some of them- everyone is talking about a fight at three levels: a-improvement worst situation at the center: as lack of staff attitude towards community bank immigrants and their inaction, as the density is difficult in absorption centers, although there are more apartments that are vacant, and more. In lack of appropriate preparation for life after their stay at the center: as the Hebrew language study, relevant professional training and general orientation on Israel community bank and the social and bureaucratic institutions. C left absorption centers as soon as possible: public community bank housing to those entitled, suitable conditions for a mortgage to buy an apartment, choose where to live on their own.
The Jewish Agency is a franchise of the Ministry of Absorption community bank run the absorption centers, along Zionist history to date. That is, the role of receiving immigrants and their equipment toolbox, which should help them get by in Israel. (By some accounts community bank the immigrants, the agency does not fulfill its function properly) my informal meetings with many employees absorption centers incredible picture emerges: they point out, apart from empathy for the situation of immigrants, they have almost no powers to help improve the requirements that immigrants bring. "Everything is determined by an official of the Ministry of Absorption Jerusalem," they said without specifying where. Here is an example of how the man controls immigrants and employees of the Jewish Agency has no authority to deal with the issue: 1 agency in a room and a living room with 2 live lonely and young adults. Two adults sleeping in two beds located in the living room and the young man in bed in the room. Service's cubicle is next to the young man's room so he can not close the door of the drawing-in, like many others, no privacy community bank to any one of them. But May, like all young world, even our guy knew a girl and sometimes brings her out of the apartment. And sometimes community bank it stays flat and sleep at night? community bank Lock the door. So what do 2 adults with needs?
Sometimes it clicks very ... So they do it outside! By the way, there are relevant absorption center close to 100 empty apartments, but the density is rancid! Another way, who controls directly populating the absorption community bank centers is the Ministry of Absorption (the favorite) using another franchisee Jewish community bank Agency, responsible for the flats there. To solve this problem and silence, please contact the tempo and liked by his.
Open parenthesis: In recent years, there is a power struggle between the Ministry of Absorption, with diminishing immigrants lose legitimacy in a government office and the Jewish Agency, when the Ministry of Absorption seeks inroads into the historical role of the latter in Israel and the Jewish Diaspora. In this struggle, the immediate victims are immigrants, especially those under its control Hmohltt- Ethiopian immigrants. We close parenthesis.
Another employee said the Jewish Agency, the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption guidelines they must not "entertain the" community bank immigrants: that is, must not enrich the immigrants on issues that are not written guidelines favorite. And, I can not let them professional training, because it is necessary to remove them from absorption centers in Sntiim- their part also to the street. The goal is to compartmentalize their lives, until they say: we want!
Subtotal: claims overlap between immigrants and the words of the Jewish Agency. Two arrows are directed toward one official at the Ministry community bank of Absorption kindly rate, mentioned repeatedly community bank by all people as the dominant figure in the story. Recall, in the background there is a struggle between the Ministry of Absorption and the Jewish Agency for a living field.
Another favorite continues: "[...] we employ workers there, even if the House and a director and administrative assistant and social workers and mentors and instructors and trust and housing community bank coordinator and coordinator of employment, they are accompanied by the rising day by day. In addition to employees of the Ministry of Absorption accompany them Every day there is no one person who is briefed on any topic buying a home. "
"All housing purchase process are being coordinated community bank by rising daily dealings community bank with the absorption center workers speaking the same language, when we insist that all costs in his own language instructional video will get to know where not to obstruct it, how to purchase the apartment, when to purchase the apartment, when to see the The apartment, from
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