Communication Forum | Lev fat of 1,000 fans | Pouline Middleton
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Yes, you can actually live on your own writings, home movies, music tracks or courses. Forget editors, producers and directors, for you shall be your own media house. The only thing you need to provide is 1,000 enthusiastic customers - fans - which on average provide 750 dollars a year. It is the message of David Mathisons handbook and website 'Be the Media'. Here is the recipe bank fashion for any creative head, who is tired of the publishers, record companies and consultancies either reject your content bank fashion or earn far more on it than you. Read 10 tangible advice on how to build your own manageable and profitable media house on Web 2.0.
Content is today made available through a number of large media companies, as record companies, newspapers and publishing houses, based on a model called big volume = many customers and high earnings on the products. To get access to distribution to the many, the creative manufacturers assign their rights to the companies. The model is now being challenged by the Internet and a number bank fashion of cheap digital tools. We have previously seen simple pay-models, where for example the budding author could pay to have printed and distributed his book. But there is more potential in the medium than these largely earnings solve even performances. In the future, bank fashion we see small independent media houses that develop into profitable businesses. Getting the long end first established bank fashion a small independent media house about a specific content. So the focus is on getting hold of the 1,000 fans who are so excited about the content - divided into appropriate bank fashion products bank fashion with various appropriate prices - they will pay for it. These 1,000 users are located where the value cable sens 'Long Tail' begins. There is inherently greater opportunities to recruit 1,000 fans whose target audience is broad because the interest is within, for example, politics bank fashion or sports than if it includes groups such as grandmothers or people bank fashion interested in fly fishing. But the parameters are the same for all groups. In order to spot the niche you have to stop comparing his media house with the big media houses. You have to really exploit the logic of the media landscape has changed: bank fashion The cost of publishing is low, there is no, you have to seek permission from you to publish can be put together its products bank fashion as you wish you can establish the dialogue with users, as one wishes Anyone can publish because bank fashion it is fun and can stop when it no longer is.
Most major media houses are long gone from a traditional website to a community site with moving images, but few packages the contents as on Be the Media mode. Yet. And what will Be the MEDIA way say? David Mathison that operates Be the Media Do-it-yourself way in order to establish a web-based and niche media house must, according to David Mathison: Create a direct relationship with enthusiastic users, without middlemen Eje own rights, so you are free to dispose of its material Divide and expand his material bank fashion in products that users will pay more and more for.
To be successful in this area, you should bank fashion be good to quickly test new tools, see how it works, modify and adapt, and then launch it again. It can be done without great expense. The basic model for Be the Media. 10 product packages with almost similar content, but of different sizes located along the x-axis. To this the y-axis 10 customer types, from the frugal individuals to the most well-heeled corporate customers. The task is now to package and sell content until reaching the magical 1,000 customers who's providing bank fashion a desired annual salary. The more you will earn, the bigger packages must devote to resourceful customers. bank fashion Although much progress has been up on the earnings curve using large deluxe products will one media house typically remains also sell small cheap packages, for example. individual articles, individual tracks or what their content is. The model can not easily be transferred to large organizations that often characterized by inertia bank fashion in decision making and anxiety to low
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Yes, you can actually live on your own writings, home movies, music tracks or courses. Forget editors, producers and directors, for you shall be your own media house. The only thing you need to provide is 1,000 enthusiastic customers - fans - which on average provide 750 dollars a year. It is the message of David Mathisons handbook and website 'Be the Media'. Here is the recipe bank fashion for any creative head, who is tired of the publishers, record companies and consultancies either reject your content bank fashion or earn far more on it than you. Read 10 tangible advice on how to build your own manageable and profitable media house on Web 2.0.
Content is today made available through a number of large media companies, as record companies, newspapers and publishing houses, based on a model called big volume = many customers and high earnings on the products. To get access to distribution to the many, the creative manufacturers assign their rights to the companies. The model is now being challenged by the Internet and a number bank fashion of cheap digital tools. We have previously seen simple pay-models, where for example the budding author could pay to have printed and distributed his book. But there is more potential in the medium than these largely earnings solve even performances. In the future, bank fashion we see small independent media houses that develop into profitable businesses. Getting the long end first established bank fashion a small independent media house about a specific content. So the focus is on getting hold of the 1,000 fans who are so excited about the content - divided into appropriate bank fashion products bank fashion with various appropriate prices - they will pay for it. These 1,000 users are located where the value cable sens 'Long Tail' begins. There is inherently greater opportunities to recruit 1,000 fans whose target audience is broad because the interest is within, for example, politics bank fashion or sports than if it includes groups such as grandmothers or people bank fashion interested in fly fishing. But the parameters are the same for all groups. In order to spot the niche you have to stop comparing his media house with the big media houses. You have to really exploit the logic of the media landscape has changed: bank fashion The cost of publishing is low, there is no, you have to seek permission from you to publish can be put together its products bank fashion as you wish you can establish the dialogue with users, as one wishes Anyone can publish because bank fashion it is fun and can stop when it no longer is.
Most major media houses are long gone from a traditional website to a community site with moving images, but few packages the contents as on Be the Media mode. Yet. And what will Be the MEDIA way say? David Mathison that operates Be the Media Do-it-yourself way in order to establish a web-based and niche media house must, according to David Mathison: Create a direct relationship with enthusiastic users, without middlemen Eje own rights, so you are free to dispose of its material Divide and expand his material bank fashion in products that users will pay more and more for.
To be successful in this area, you should bank fashion be good to quickly test new tools, see how it works, modify and adapt, and then launch it again. It can be done without great expense. The basic model for Be the Media. 10 product packages with almost similar content, but of different sizes located along the x-axis. To this the y-axis 10 customer types, from the frugal individuals to the most well-heeled corporate customers. The task is now to package and sell content until reaching the magical 1,000 customers who's providing bank fashion a desired annual salary. The more you will earn, the bigger packages must devote to resourceful customers. bank fashion Although much progress has been up on the earnings curve using large deluxe products will one media house typically remains also sell small cheap packages, for example. individual articles, individual tracks or what their content is. The model can not easily be transferred to large organizations that often characterized by inertia bank fashion in decision making and anxiety to low
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