Saturday, January 18, 2014

Seacastle Inc. SITE: Link Query:

Well I decided to make my first post prioritizing one thing that often even ourselves (and I include myself in this row) who work in area Container, Logistics and Port Management have questions, in which the shipowner belongs to this container? or even to whom this lease is leased container? then to address those questions us bank I decided to make this post with links to websites us bank to help figure out which is the leasing of a particular container or even for which the owner should contact. Follow links and acronyms of some leases will soon be updating the list below.
Bridgehead Containers SITE: Link Query: Tel: +44 151 227-2473 E-mail: SIGLA: BHCU
Seacastle Inc. SITE: Link Query: Tel: +55 41 3302-0730 / / +55 41 3302-0739 E-mail: SIGLA: CRLU
International Container Application SITE: Link Query: Tel: +55 11 3832-1429 / / +55 11 3835-2112 E Email: ACRONYMS: INTU CAXU Ikku IRNU
Cronos SITE: Link Query: Tel: +55 11 3832-1429 / / +55 11 3835-2112 E-mail: us bank . SIGLAS en: CRXU IEAU ITLU LPIU
Flexi-Van SITE: Link Query: Tel: (908) 276-8000 E Email: ACRONYMS: us bank FFFZ FLXZ FVIC UFCC skiz XTRC FLGZ ZMFC XNPZ XDAZ XNOZ GCEZ
Florens SITE: Link Query: Tel: +55 (11) 5185-2775 Email: ACRONYMS: FBLU FSCU
GE Seaco America SITE: Link query: "query is restricted - must log in" Tel: +55 (21) 3970-3322 E-mail "sent through the site - the session contact us "ACRONYMS: APLS Aplu CBFU CLOU CTIU Emau GCEG GSTU ICCU ITLS LYKU MAEU SCCU SCDC SCPU SCXU SCZU SCZY senu SPLU SSIU STBU UFCU WCSU XTRU ZCSU
Gold Leasing SITE: Link Query: Tel: +33 (1) 4696-1810 E- Email: ACRONYMS: GLDU GRDU SLMU TECU
TEXTAINER SITE: Link Query: Tel: +1 (415) 434-0551 E-mail: ACRONYMS: AMFU clhu MLCu PRSU Texu TGHU WCIU XTRU
Hello Leo Linara call me, I'm moving to Bahia, I intend us bank to put on, there is a school of artistic techniques and furniture restoration. my audience are people with very low income. us bank my goal is to build this site with containers, so I need to know where to buy cheaper. Companies that engage us bank in it have very high prices. Maybe you can help me. My email: Thank Delete Reply
So it's been about an 02 year old who left the logistics'm so out half price about it, I'll try to help you in Bahia I know of no company, us bank but here in the Santos region which has the COMPASS already knew from other companies who purchased containers for her, worth picking up contacts by site: give on and request a quote to give you an idea of price. us bank Another option is you contact the owners directly (read as "owners" of container us bank owners) to try to make a direct purchase or opinion that this is a social project involving low-income people, maybe you can get one or a disabled container to do this project, it would be interesting also possible you have support from the local municipality or any agency that may strengthen your project, remembering that even if you can containers us bank by donation, for the place where you take are stored and over the shipowner for your or your company is required to make a nationalization process equipment since 99% of containers are manufactured in China and for him to stay in the country is necessary to make this process more that a customs agent can explain us bank to you best, ok. Abrasive and I managed to help her. Delete Reply
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