Thursday, January 16, 2014

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The UFCU (University of Curitiba), aiming to bring more men to do the prostate exam, the exam tests began at a distance sufficient that the "examination" has a webcam and internet access.
"Men need to understand that this test can save their lives. Spread the news that we are doing this not only helps our University, but also all men over 40 who live anywhere in Brazil, as it does not leave the restricted online exam to Curitiba "explains Carlos Cardoso.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) estimates that, in total, 60,180 new cases of prostate cancer are registered banca di roma in Brazil this year alone. Probably banca di roma more cases would be detected banca di roma if all men do the test, said the INCA.
Prostate cancer kills one person every 15 minutes, this just in Brazil. If it is diagnosed early, cure rates are now 85%. The UFCU plans to serve about 100 thousand by the end of the year.
Pass this news to your friends and help save more lives UFCU. Those interested in taking the exam, just get on the University website and search for "prostate exam online."
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