Sunday, April 20, 2014

Mr. Pikachu! I

Etc. with the view of of the "in order to ..." Yabushita laboratory> syntax 038 (Purpose Syntax 3)
To read the latest news, I go to see the online news well. The original meaning of. View I often access the online news with the view of read ing the latest wells news. I often access the online news for the purpose of read ing the latest news in the "look", mono view to be able to see " from there, three meanings scenery ", thinking perspective " mono, view ", purpose, intended to see through the" destination, of planning "was derived. It is the meaning of of "interest" here. And, of this is "of the same rank." If I had the shape of A of Bing, you may think it's apposition. Meaning "A of B". So, "the purpose of reading the latest news" is the original meaning is the view of reading the latest news. So the original meaning of this sentence is this. with a purpose of reading the latest news, I go to see the online news well. It is for the purpose of the next, but this is "for the purpose" obediently. for is "for the purpose" exactly. of following "the apposition of" exactly the same as of the sentence of a little while ago. So the original meaning of this sentence is this. For the purpose of reading the latest news, I go to see the online news well. There is also of this in the same sense in addition to this. with a goal that aims to read the latest news, I go to see the online news well. To this I often access wells the online news with the view to read ing the latest news. "In to the preposition", gerund has come immediately after. I have a function that refers to the finger "to the preposition". This is the same as to the look forward to-ing. I am looking forward to the meet to you. A representation in to see ing you "I will not look with excitement that the years ahead", or if it is being seen towards the Which specifically wells in I am looking forward to see ing you. I am looking forward have. In other words, you mean that pointed to the "(that meet you) see ing you" in to. Oh, the coming out here is "the wells decoration of notice". It is the reason that the to of prepositions and of the same rank is adorned purpose and view each,'s wells notice to this decoration. Sometimes the will to a in some cases, please do not worry too much. And there are associative mnemonics "Dad out, people who have great purpose" of the purpose.
This was written by yabu. Posted on Sunday, wells 27, 2011, at 12:00 PM. Filed under 3 May "dangerous English Syntax". Bookmark the permalink. Follow comments here with the RSS feed. Trackbacks are closed, but you can post a comment.
J. M. You, it is the first question posted! Your question is a good question is very fundamental. I think maybe, just say "in the compound adjective, and connected by a hyphen when you decorate a noun with the numeral, it is singular," said reference book of the world and does not explain why it is so. But, the reason is very simple. English language because it is noisy on the number, and feelings one Tsunanoka, or whether there are a plurality of objects to be counted. So with a (n), if one, give it a (e) s to the ending of the noun to write the number to the left if there are a plurality. It is as I learned at the time of the junior high school. time of 2 hours many hours a lot an hour 1 hour to two hours to this, there is only one important noun which is the center, of course is "time". So the following example sentence What about. 2 The three 2-hour drama three Ken Watanabe's two-hour TV dramas Ken Watanabe of 2 hours TV drama many two-hour TV dramas a lot of three a two-hour TV drama 2 hours drama three two-hour TV dramas came out If the TV drama "2 hours drama" is one time, two, and that there many, English is because of noisy on the number, but it is supposed to may be in plural form all like the three dramas and two hours. But I do not know do you want to say that the "drama" Do you want to say that the "time" is attached to both the-s fact! So, considering important noun and whether the Which as "time" and "drama" huh "drama"! The adjective that decorate the "drama" all otherwise. In addition, the dash can be seen at a glance and it is an adjective - and then the two-hour and connected by (). In this way, you can take clear and dividing it and I want to say that the "TV drama". So like this, in the plural form towards the "drama wells of the three" essential noun, not to the person plural form of "two hours". It! Very easy!
Mr. Pikachu! I'm wells studying. Watching by changing the combination and variety is a good study. You too will do quite! In fact, as you say Mr. Pikachu, wells and that will actually exist representation of with the purpose of ~. If you say or why, this is with "So with the owner." To say that that comes with human things, is why people have their things. And, one can "view (thought)" and "purpose (purpose)" is also owned. I use as follows. have an idea to me. There is a goal in I have a view. I. I have a purpose. wells
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