Sunday, August 31, 2014

There are leaders in their markets or segments that ignore almost all communication (hey, do not ta

"Often the aesthetic argument about what is raw, and that's a mistake" | Comfluència | tots els Comunicació in sentits
If a journalist expert in the field of logistics, that is Ricardo J. Hernandez. With a professional background of over 30 years, Hernandez is also an entrepreneur and has founded and promoted various forms of technical communication, first on paper and in digital and audiovisual format later. Passionate about journalism, research and supply chain, is co-author of the work Velázquez: logistics in the court of Philip IV, which reveals the career officer quartermaster ambank real brilliant painter.
1 Why are companies hiring communication ambank professionals ambank and then act differently as advised? (Question from Pepa Perez, ambank Communications and Marketing Asante Afrika)
I think there are two answers to this question. The first is corporate-financial. Companies generally say they have intention to work on a particular line or communicate in a transparent and logical -profesional- but always end up imposing criteria and only purely commercial and economic. Mighty lord Is money, I would say classic.
The other reason is lack of credit by the communicator and the communications profession in general. Foul recognition; lack perception of its importance and usefulness; lack capacity ambank to analyze the benefits / harms of a successful / wrong communication. Too many intangibles. ambank And the company is primarily a quantitative entity. Hence the fracture.
No doubt the clarity of the message that supports that image or projection. Often the aesthetic argument about what or premium directly, do not know what to communicate. It seems that communication and foremost it must be original and that, many times, is a mistake.
Speaking of professional ambank communication, the main benefit is the transmission of adequate public information and precise objective in a timely manner. Also the transfer of the securities of the company, its mission and its social ambank commitment. ambank
Sure there are many (or many) and in many sectors, but for instance, there is an automotive company that, although it has changed ambank hands several times from the point of view of the property (Swedish, American ambank and now Chinese), no it has lost its essence and identification with their audience. It has always conveyed more than the power of their automobiles (especially security, leisure, family), long before others did, which was just discreet, but has not lost image, and is about the same, with the same values and the same communication style 25 years ago: Volvo Cars.
There are leaders in their markets or segments that ignore almost all communication (hey, do not talk about marketing or advertising) to your market / audience / customers, however, remain in that leadership. In the strict sense this is aberrant and contrary to logic, but is given. How do they do it?
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