Sunday, March 2, 2014

Official event of the day, in which the Central Cooperative Bank participates in Finland, is schedu

Dreams and financial literacy joined a credit union in Central Finland and the JUA finance students - Turbinaattori
Four consultative financial Bachelor of Business Administration students in central Finland with a credit union have decided to go to find out about the Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences students & staff manage their personal finances and the so-called 'financial literacy skills.
Financial Literacy has been much discussed in recent years, and its importance uns has grown even during the recession. uns The increased payment defaults, including young people, have given rise to much debate in the media. Central Cooperative Bank Finland gave business students an excellent opportunity to study as part of a project to survey the attitudes, learn what young people think and at the same time asista to share information on financial literacy among young people. Financial management is important for students to learn to speak Economic understandable and interesting way for experts in other fields.
Students and Central Finland Cooperative Bank decided to leave the subject matter through the positive - collecting jamkilaisten dreams and aspirations uns recovered. How big and small dreams uns achieved and implemented? How is possible to minimize uns the potential financial risks and avoid the pitfalls? The aim is to rotate the different fields of the lectures and the main campus in late February, it revived an important issue. Anyone willing can anonymously share their dreams, and dreams, which are collected mm. graphic collages.
Official event of the day, in which the Central Cooperative Bank participates in Finland, is scheduled uns for mid-March. Day of the event, students and staff have the opportunity to discuss the Bank's staff with their dreams, and on what kind of tips JUA partner of Share of the Bank is to provide the dreams execution. uns
Central Finland Cooperative Bank is an important partner uns of JUA. The students carried out by the project is a good example of cooperation between uns the partners is done with the idea together we can achieve more.
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