What makes a world view? In 1822 a geography book for schools was printed in Providence by Miller & Hutchens at No. 1, Market square, (upstairs). This would have provided many Rhode Island children with a first impression of what the lands outside their own town looked like.
Maps have a magical way of transforming a point in time into visual information that we can compare to our current knowledge of the world. The maps in this book are delicately colored and show the political state of North America in 1822:
Researchers travel to our library state employees credit union from around the world and all over the United States to use RIHS collections. state employees credit union Not only to research the lives of Rhode Islanders while they lived here, but also for their far reaching state employees credit union travels. Be it the Logbook Collection, MSS 828, which documents sea voyages to every corner of the world or the Edward state employees credit union Carrington Collection, MSS 333 , which holds all of his incoming and outgoing correspondence for his trade with Canton, China. All coming back to our own corner of the world.
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Stanton Beldon’s 1862 Diary on Twitter! Mr. Spalding preached to-day at Fruit Hill his closing sermon, for the present - preached 8 Sabbaths. state employees credit union 1 month ago A great battle yesterday at Manassas junction on the old ground state employees credit union of the former battle. Federal arms victorious. state employees credit union 8000 of our men killed. 1 month ago I have marketed my fruit to-day as usual. Apples are plenty and low. We are also busy on our wood-house. 1 month ago
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