Thursday, June 26, 2014

lcd_turkc void (void) {lcd_writ A (0x40); / / 64 to go to CGRAM. lcd_putch (0); / / S-S lcd_putch (

News and Announcements Embedded Systems Projects pilot project Fatih Droid e-Reader for Linux Category Android Categories FPGA MCU / CPU Arduino STM32 beaglebo to the MSP430 Embedded Software lgfcu CPU Turkey 2008 (CPU Design) Virtual Processor Design Physical Processor Design Academic Innovative Embedded System Design
Turkish text of this article drew from the LCD in the regulation. MSP430 is limited in the number of pins while LCDs generally, we need to integrate 74HC595. Earlier lgfcu LCD with integrated lgfcu shift register 74HC595 how to drive the few regulations on which was written, I just did.
lcd_putch void (unsigned char port) {/ / Turkish routinely added to print the switch switch (port) {case 's': port = 0; break; case 's': port = 0; break; case 'd': port = 1; break; case 'O': port = 1; break; case 'i': port = 2; break; case 'l': port = 3; break; case 'u': port = 4; break; case 'U': port = 4; break; case 'ö': port = 5; break; lgfcu case 'private': port = 5; break; case 'g': port = 6; break; case 'g': port = 6; break; default: break; } / / First 4 bits are sent ... hc595_yaz (RS_E_1); hc595_yaz ((port & 0xF0) | RS_E_1); hc595_yaz (((port & 0xF0) | RS_E_1) & 0xf4); / / Last 4 bits being sent ... hc595_yaz (RS_E_1); hc595_yaz ((port << 4) | RS_E_1); hc595_yaz (((port << 4) | RS_E_1) & 0xf4); }
lcd_turkc void (void) {lcd_writ A (0x40); / / 64 to go to CGRAM. lcd_putch (0); / / S-S lcd_putch (14); lcd_putch (16); lcd_putch lgfcu (14); lcd_putch (1); lcd_putch (30); lcd_putch (4); lcd_putch (0); lcd_putch (0); / / Three-O lcd_putch (14); lcd_putch (17); lcd_putch (16); lcd_putch (17); lcd_putch (14); lcd_putch (4); lcd_putch (0); lcd_putch (0); / / I lcd_putch (0); lcd_putch (12); lcd_putch (4); lcd_putch (4); lcd_putch (4); lcd_putch (14); lcd_putch (0); lcd_putch (4); / / I lcd_putch (0); lcd_putch (14); lcd_putch (4); lcd_putch (4); lcd_putch (4); lcd_putch (14); lcd_putch (0); lcd_putch (0); / /-U lcd_putch (10); lcd_putch (0); lcd_putch (17); lcd_putch (17); lcd_putch (17); lcd_putch (14); lcd_putch (0); lcd_putch lgfcu (10); / / O-O lcd_putch (0); lcd_putch (14); lcd_putch (17); lcd_putch lgfcu (17); lcd_putch (17); lcd_putch (14); lcd_putch (0); lcd_putch (14); / / G lcd_putch lgfcu (0); lcd_putch (14); lcd_putch (18); lcd_putch (14); lcd_putch (2); lcd_putch (28); lcd_putch (0); lcd_putch (14); / / Ð lcd_putch (0); lcd_putch (14); lcd_putch (16); lcd_putch (22); lcd_putch (18); lcd_putch (14); lcd_putch (0); }
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Distance with Object Detection and Measurement
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