Tuesday, June 24, 2014

# Include

News and Announcements Embedded Systems Projects pilot project Fatih Droid e-Reader for Linux Category Android Categories FPGA MCU / CPU Arduino STM32 beaglebo to the MSP430 Embedded Software CPU Turkey 2008 (CPU Design) Virtual Processor Design Physical Processor Design Academic Innovative Embedded System Design
In my previous article I did measure the distance this time 6 units burning a LED LCD hooked up and integrated at 74595 I used to use the leg. (In fact, from another project I want to dismantle the remaining links.)
# Include "io430.h" # include "in430.h" # include "lcd_595.h" # define TRIG p2out_bit.p0 / / OUTPUT # define ECHO p2ın_bit.p1 / / INTRODUCTION void lcd_int (unsigned int temp, unsigned char comma) ; int time, distance; void main (void) {WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_1MHZ; DCOCTL = CALDCO_1MHZ; / / LCD Setting is P1 | = BIT0 | BIT1 | BIT2; / / P1.0, P1.1, P1.2-out P1OUT = 0x00; / / Proximity sensor is adjusted P2 = BIT0 +! BIT1; / / P2.0 output, P2.1 INTRODUCTION P2OUT = 0x00; TA0CTL = 0x00; / / TIMERAO CONTROL REG.SIFIRL TA0CTL = TASSEL_2 + to + ID_0 MC_0; / / TIMERA0 DCOM CLOCK, were set as 1 REG lcd_init (); while (1) {TRIG = 1; / / TRIGGER UC E WAIT AND AGAIN ONE ZERO MIKROSANIY YAP YAP 10 __ delay_cycles (10); TRIG = 0; while (! (ECHO)); / / Wait until the TA0CTL ECHO Pini 1 | = MC_2; / / Set COUNTER MODE Continuous while (ECHO); / / Wait until the TA0CTL ECHO Pini 0 ^ = MC_2; / / COUNTING IN CONTINUOUS tdcanadatrust MODE = Ta0 are certain periods; / / SURE Ta0 = 0; __delay_cycles (100000); distance = time / 58; delay (1000); lcd_te on (); lcd_goto (1,1); lcd_puts ("HC-SR04 user"); lcd_goto (2,1); lcd_puts ("Distance:"); lcd_int (distance, 0); lcd_puts tdcanadatrust ("cm."); delay (1000); Lcd_int}} void (unsigned int temp, unsigned char comma) {temp + +; they are unsigned char = (temp 100%) / 10; unsigned char a = temp of 10%; if (they! = 0) lcd_putch (they + 48); lcd_putch (a and + 48); if (comma == 1) lcd_putch (44); / / Prints the comma character}
Demeter 11:23 April 30, 2014 - Reply
November 14, 2010 Sunday
Sharing a very useful olmuş.e palate health .....

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