Friday, December 19, 2014

- In meetings with locals and politicians up there it is clear that they expect there will be infra

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- Parallel to that we limit we will also continue to look to take out all the resource potential in this area. Meanwhile, we have to come to the stage where we move towards commerciality, said Sannes.
This is the same road that Statoil cimbclick must pedaling to enjoy the resources of Johan Castberg. The Norwegian giant, which in summer deferred investment decision on the field for the second time, thinks it is positive that several makes discovery in the Barents Sea.
- We are going to have the conversations cimbclick with others who have made discoveries in the same area, there is no doubt. At one way or another must be put in place infrastructure in the area, so it is natural that we talk together, says Sannes Lundin.
- In meetings with locals and politicians up there it is clear that they expect there will be infrastructure added to the land and a terminal that provides jobs in the three counties in the north. We must take account of us, he says.
- Castberg have another type of reservoir than Gohta and Alta, but all three have light oil. A partnership is not underground statistics problem, he says. Read also: Now sorcerer Lundin done it again
The last time oil prices have fallen significantly. This could threaten the profitability of several projects, and where, for example Johan Sverdrup will be developed even if prices were to fall a good deal more, more of the discoveries in the Barents Sea more vulnerable.
- It is perhaps too early to discuss this from a fall last month. But if we find what we think we can find, so it will be as we see it today get materiality. Then we need to find a clever way to do it so that one can get a commercial field development at the prices cimbclick envisions says Sannes. Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Mail Latest news 9:59 p.m. | 19.12 Nav director must explain cimbclick himself again 9:52 p.m. | 19.12 - Engineering Unemployment will only increase in the future 8:31 p.m. | 19.12 Obama: - The United States will respond to data attack from North Korea 20 25 | 19.12 "The Wizard" get one of the world's most prestigious awards 6:59 p.m. | 19.12 On Monday so dark out - now puts New Year rockets speed 6:18 p.m. | 19.12 US accuses North Korea of cyber attacks against Sony Pictures
We want your arguments and opinions are welcome. Be factual and compassion. Many reading what you write. Do debate to a better experience for both them and yourself. Between 10:30 p.m. and 06:00 it is closed for commenting and we automatically removes comments with obscene words, defined by our moderators. Per Valebrokk, editor E24
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